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Public Folders Permissions Setup


On Microsoft Exchange versions 2013, 2016 and Office 365, before permissions are set up Public Folder Mailbox must be created. Learn more about how to do it here.
Users which need to have permissions on these public folders must be manually created on the destination or they will be skipped. 
If there are permissions which are granted through security groups, those groups must be created on the destination as Security Groups. If those groups don't exist, they will be skipped. 

Minimum permission requirements

Minimum public folder permissions on the source server must be set to Reviewer and minimum root permissions on the destination server is Publishing Author or Custom permissions which include: Create items, Read items, Create subfolders and Folder visible

Quick links:

Microsoft Exchange 2007

Exchange Management Shell

These commands can be run on Exchange Management Shell directly on the server of from Power Shell if you are using remote Power Shell connection.

To list all first level public folders use this command:

Get-PublicFolder \ -Recurse | where {$_.ParentPath -like "\"}

To add permission on single public folder use:

Get-PublicFolder \test-1 | add-PublicFolderClientPermission -User ila.lockamy -AccessRights Reviewer


  • \test-1 is the name of the folder for which you are setting the permissions
  • Reviewer is the permission level which you are setting up
  • ila.lockamy is the name of the user which will have those permissions

To add permissions on all your first level public folders:

$PublicFolders = (Get-PublicFolder \ -Recurse | where {$_.ParentPath -like "\"}).name
ForEach ($Folder in $PublicFolders)
    $FolderName = "\" + $Folder
    Get-PublicFolder $FolderName | add-PublicFolderClientPermission -User ila.lockamy -AccessRights Reviewer


  • Reviewer is the permission level which you are setting up
  • ila.lockamy is the name of the user which will have those permissions

Microsoft Exchange 2010

Exchange Management Console

Open Exchange Management Console and click on Toolbox and then double click Public Folder Management Console

HEX 2010 PF toolbox

Within Public Folder Management Console expand Default Public folders and click on it so all first level Public folders would be shown on the right-hand side

HEX 2010 default public folders

Each of these folders will require at least one license (depending on the total size of it and its subfolders). You can read more about licensing here.

Right click on the folder which you wish to migrate and select Properties

HEX 2010 pf properties

Within the Properties window, go to Permissions tab and click on +Add…

HEX 2010 add permission

To add users which will have proper permissions to perform the migration, select one or more users from that window and click OK

HEX 2010 add users

Select the user from the list and for Permission Level choose at least Reviewer permissions if this is a source platform or Publishing Author if this is a destination platform. You can read more about required permission at the beginning of this page.

Reviewer permissions example:

HEX 2010 reviewer example

Publishing Author Permissions example:

HEX 2010 pub author

Custom Permissions example:

HEX 2010 custom

Exchange Management Shell

These commands can be run on Exchange Management Shell directly on the server of from Power Shell if you are using remote Power Shell connection.

To list all first level public folders use this command:

Get-PublicFolder \ -Recurse | where {$_.ParentPath -like "\"}

To add permission on single public folder use:

Get-PublicFolder \test-1 | add-PublicFolderClientPermission -User ila.lockamy -AccessRights Reviewer


  • \test-1 is the name of the folder for which you are setting the permissions
  • Reviewer is the permission level which you are setting up
  • ila.lockamy is the name of the user which will have those permissions

To add permissions on all your first level public folders:

$PublicFolders = (Get-PublicFolder \ -Recurse | where {$_.ParentPath -like "\"}).name
ForEach ($Folder in $PublicFolders)
    $FolderName = "\" + $Folder
    Get-PublicFolder $FolderName | add-PublicFolderClientPermission -User ila.lockamy -AccessRights Reviewer


  • Reviewer is the permission level which you are setting up
  • ila.lockamy is the name of the user which will have those permissions

Microsoft Exchange 2013 and 2016

Exchange Control Panel

Log on to Exchange Control Panel from any web browser and click on Public folders:

HEX 2013/16 public folder

Click on thre

Choose files or drag and drop files
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