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Regular Autodiscovery vs. Parameterized Autodiscovery

Regular Autodiscovery vs. Parameterized Autodiscovery

Autodiscovery is being done on couple of places on this migration platform. On some places it is being done from scratch (parameterized autodiscovery) and on some of them it just returns a result from a previous (regular) Autodiscovery job.

Parameterized Autodiscovery

On the Platforms page, when credentials are entered for the first time and Autodiscovery method is chosen parameterized autodiscovery is done each time.


If migration job is saved or cloned and credentials are changed when it is edited again, parameterized autodiscovovery is done in that case as well
On Mailbox Mappings page when Reload Destinations option is used, parameterized autodiscovery is done.


Regular Autodiscovery

In case job has been saved before the configuration of it was finished, or it has been cloned it will return the result of the original Autodiscovery when it was done for the first time.


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