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Migration Status Types

Before, during and after the migration status of created job may change:


Job Status 


Analysis Started 

Analyzing size and items of migration job.

Confirmation Required

One or more selected Mailboxes/Public Folder are exceeding size quota. In order for this migration job to be continued, manual confirmation is required from user to make sure that they approve that more than one license is consumed for a single Mailbox/Public Folder. You can learn more about licensing here.


Migration has completed successfully.  


Migration hasn't completed successfully as the migration job wasn't able to start the migration on all items.

Finished With Errors

Migration Job has tried to migrate all items but some of them have failed. Check Full Details page to see which Items have not been migrated.


Migration is waiting for the next step in process.

In Progress 

Some items are still being migrated. 

Insufficient Licenses

User doesn't have sufficient number of licenses to complete mailbox or public folder migration.

Migration Resynced 

Resync of migration job has been completed. 

 Not Valid 

Mailbox Migration:

  • User which is used for migration exists on Office 365 but it doesn't have a license
  • If user has scheduled migration but his account on CMP has been disabled in the meantime
  • User which is being used for migration doesn't have impersonation rights on one or more mailboxes which have been selected for migration

Public Folder Migration

  • Destination Admin doesn't have sufficient permissions. Learn how to set up proper permissions here.
  • Source admin account can't access one or more public folders from the created job.


  • Migration has been queued but hasn’t started yet. 
  • Appears before analysis begins.  

Resync Started 

Resync of migration job has been initiated. 

Wizard In Progress 

Some steps in migration wizard haven't been fully completed. 


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